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allows my unit to be powered on all the time with no worries about battieries going low in low temperatures.
As noted in another review, this power supply produced a lot of EM noise. I bought it for use with a Zen 16 Multirelay to control my garage door. While the Z-Wave communication worked fine in my case, the noise from the power supply prevented my remotes from working with the garage door opener, unless they were about 4 inches away from the antenna. I replaced this power adapter with a random USB charger that I already had and a USB-C cable, and all remotes are working fine again. Perhaps it would have worked if the power supply and relay were further away from the opener, but having both mounted with the garage door opener was a much cleaner solution.
Good price and nice to have an extra one of these with the color coded green, black, and red wires.
Good power supply to power ZEN16. Low cost.
I bought this together with a Zooz Zen16 to automate my garage door. Despite the FCC sticker the combination produced so much EM noise that neither my regular garage remotes nor Z-wave devices would work. I replaced this with a regular USB power supply and things have been fine since.
I'm sorry to hear you experienced this issue with your Power Supply. It's possible there was something about this location that could have caused the interference, or it may have been a faulty power supply.